A design fiction, in contrast
to a design solution, is a
speculative way of storytelling
that exposes tension and
inspires dialogues.
(Dec, 2019)
Digital Images
Handmade props
Role (Solo)
What will happens in a world where Gmail's Auto-Suggest hacks into your brain...?
What if for everything you say, you are presented with a finite list of expressions to choose from given your context?
And the list is curated with the purpose of serving a data-centric authoritarian regime?
Let me introduce the world of Datarchy 1.0, where all human utterances are strictly dictated by algorithms and expressed in the artificial language, Rasid...
In the age of mass natural language extinction...What does it mean to be human, or rather, humanoid?
How has Rasid changed the sensibilities and interaction norms of the humanoids?
And...What is Crowerra?
What role do crows play amidst this unprecedented crisis of linguistic diversity and human agency?
Selected Works
Leveraging Hololens 2 to Empower Field TechniciansMixed Reality Design; UX Design; UX Research
Path with Art Visual Style GuideVisual Design & Branding